Allegra.R Wedding Planner

Alegra.R Wedding Planner
Via Grazzi Soncini - Viadana
Tel. +39 0375 782267
Viadana (MANTOVA) - Italy - Tel. +39 0375 782267

Party favor: sharing and poetry memories

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Party favor: sharing and poetry memories

unnamed (1)The meaning derives from bon-bon and literally it symbolizes the sugared almonds box. In any case everyone still knows that the party favors are more than a small holder. It’s a living affection sign, an object to remember a feeling or maybe a way to say thanks to those who participated. These are some of the infinite values given to this important wedding detail.

Starting from the most traditional hand-made creation to the most bizarre widget, the aim is to keep and save a precious and personalized memory. This way who attended the event will always have a little bit of the wedding atmosphere to recall.

If imagination to create a party favors is no-limits a precise matter is right for everyone: the sugared almonds number must be odd as a symbol of indivisibility.